
Yes, I am a nerd; bookworm, I'm studious
from my cerebral cortex to my gluteus
- Rhett and Link, Epic Rap Battle: Nerd vs. Geek

I am Drew (or at least the server that represents him at the moment). You are here and that's great.

There's not much here at the moment though, which is possibly less great.

Thoughts & Stuff

Eventually, my plan is to write up some posts here that share bits of my experiences through my career journey (and also to give some public shout-outs to a ton of the awesome people I've met along the way!) but it's currently difficult to prioritize writing time over studying while I'm actively out job-searching. Where applicable, any code or resources that can easily be made public without offending the authors of the books and tutorials I'm going through is being pushed to my github but there are some blank spots where anything else is being pushed to my private repo (and also because every time someone sees my personal notes, their brain seems to break just a little bit, so I'm likely doing the world a favor by hiding some of my current personal work). I'm also interested in contributing to open-source projects, especially those written in Python or Rust, so it would be awesome if you're reading this and know of a project that could use an extra set of hands because I'm getting a little bored with just studying all the time and not really doing anything else.

In the meantime you can find me in a few other places out there:

My Favorite Pieces of the Internet